2016 Dive Logs due Jan. 31st!
Annual statistics for 2016 are now due to be submitted to the American Academy of Underwater Sciences. If you have not already done so, please make sure to enter your dive logs for 2016 into the Safety Stop website (divelogs.marine.calpoly.edu) by January 31st.
If you have logged dives under the auspices of another organization, you do not need to log those dives with Cal Poly. However, if you want your account on the Safety Stop website to reflect all of your diving, you can log those dives made under another organization as "Sport/Recreational" diving under the Diving Purpose field in your dive log. This prevents us from submitting duplicate logs that have been submitted to the AAUS by the other organization.
As always, feel free to contact me with any issues, comments, or suggestions regarding the Safety Stop website.
Thank you,