7th Annual Diver Education Conference

Come hear a number of experts in their fields speak on a variety of diving topics. Put on by Depth Perceptions Diving Services.
Where: Pacific Gas & Electric - Energy Education Center - 6588 Ontario Road, Avila Beach, CA
Speakers and Topics
Topics and order of presentation are subject to change.
Dr. Sam Miller III
- Dive Historian
- The Evolution of Underwater Photography
Patrick Smith
- Commercial & Scientific Diver
- MA in Public History & Historic Preservation
- Co-Author "Shipwrecks of Southern California"
- The B-29 Superfortress of Lake Mead
Chuck Rawlinson
- Owner & Diver - Depth Perceptions Diving Services
- Breathing Gas Standards, Contamination & Storage
Karl Huggins
- USC Wrigley Marine Institute - Director of the Hyperbaric Facility
- Decompression Management Recommendations for the Public Safety Diver
Dr. Sam Miller IV
- Hyperbaric & Undersea Medicine, Emergency Medicine
- Marion Medical Center Emergency Physician
- Sea Sickness and Related Issues for the Diver
Peter Brede
- CNC Trading
- Previously the Techinial Advisor for Sales of Life Rafts and Life Vests for Search & Rescue and Commercial Airlines
- Lessons from Helicopter Operations & Victim Recovery after Immersion
Additional Presentations Will Be Added
There is a non-refundable $10.00 fee for the Diver Education Conference that covers the cost of the morning snacks and buffet lunch. Pre-registration is required due to the limited seating. Contact Depth Perceptions Diving Services to register. Payment can me made by cash or check only. No credit or debit cards accepted. Last day to register is March 8th, 2016.
Conference Sponsors:
- Pacific Gas & Electric Company/Energy Education Center - Energy Education Center Facilties
- Depth Perceptions Diving Services - Conferency Organization & Promotion
Pre-registration is required
- Depth Perception Diving Services
- 12322 Los Osos Valley Road, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
- 805-595-3631
- cmcdiver@aol.com
- $10 Per person. Payable to Depth Perceptions by Cash or Check. No credit or debit cards accepted
- Conference Material, Beverages, Snacks & Buffet Lunch